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My Norifam Experience

Norifam is a brand of injectable birth control for women that will last for 1 month only. This is no longer new in the market because this was introduced in the Philippines for more than 10 years now (according to our local nurse here). 

Anyway, in Norifam, you can still experience your regular menstruation unlike in Depo Provera.

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Just like any birth control, Norifam is advisable that you'll be injected on your first day of menstruation. However, you can still get your injection 3 days after your injection or as long as you are within your non-fertile period and can guarantee that you are not pregnant or did not engage in unprotected sex.


The convenience and peace of mind of not setting an alarm every day just to drink your pills is one of the best advantages of using an injectable. 

The best thing is that you can only commit for 1 month in case the injectable doesn't suit you. 

In my case, I haven't experienced a feeling of nausea, dizziness, headaches, and the like compared using Trust pills.

Most of all, you can still have your regular period unlike other methods wherein some don't for months or even years. 


Just like any other contraceptive methods, it has few but tolerable side effects.

In my case, I've experienced weight gain but it's more on the water retention effect of the injectable. The great thing is that my stomach doesn't hurt at all and no unreasonable cravings so far. 

I have not experienced skin problems like pimple or acne burst outs.

However, I can feel that I'm a little bit dry on my private area most of the time but It's okay 'coz I use lubricants to aid that dry feeling.


I will give this birth control a 98% rating. I say that this method is almost perfect with minimal side effects. I will absolutely recommend this to my friends not so coward friends (scared of injection)😭. However, please do not use this without consulting a doctor first. Most of all, an injection will cost you about 300 to 400 pesos per month. For me, it's a bit expensive if you have no means of income or you belong in the less income threshold. 

Ladies, what do you think of this birth control method? Have you tried it already or are you planning to use this? Don't be shy to share your insight in the comment section. Thank you!

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