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Sheet Mask Helped Me With My Acne Problem

Presenting my new beauty addiction. If you haven't tried the sheet mask rave, I think you should start now because these masks improved my acne bombarded face. I will show the progress below. 

This must be my worst acne invasion ever!!!! The culprit is the Bar Review and the upcoming Bar Exam 2018 that will start on November 4, 2018 up to November 25, 2018.
The week after I use the Korean sheet mask (Lebelage and Farmstay). I thought I'm going to have holes on my face after this but I'm wrong. The sheet mask minimized my pores and smoothen the texture of my skin.

During these dates, I no longer have new pimples everyday. I also use Naturactor concealer to hide my dark spots.
The great thing here is my skin feels smooth despite the dark spots (concealed).
My pimples returned during the NovemBAR due to lack of sleep and that explains the dark spots. However, Thank God, no more pus-filled pimples. All I need to do now is to get rid of my dark spots by getting a Dermabrasion. 

Right meow, before I sleep, I will always put on my sheet mask and I'm kinda' addicted to it. 
Below is my sheet mask collection I bought from Shoppee. My next post is to review the different kinds of sheet mask I have tried. So, better stay tuned. 
my sheet mask collection good for 2 months supply by sexy foosa
My two months supply of sheet mask (60 pcs.) 

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