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I've Tried Plan B and it Works!

Okay, ladies, I have a confession to make. It was an intense night and an accident happened. Tragically the condom broke. I feel numb thinking about the fate that I'm about to face. We are both not yet ready to have a child. We just can't accept the fact that we will be about to become parents if this accident will have a positive result a month after. I, myself, was about to cry but I remember that I've read in an article before that there was this so-called Plan B pill to prevent pregnancy. Fortunately, the Plan B pill is finally available here in the Philippines. However, it's only available in Manila and thank God, we're in Manila. If I'm not mistaken, there are two online shops selling the Plan B pill. The incident happened around 11 in the evening and when I contacted the first seller, he said he can't accommodate me during this hour. Fortunately, the second seller I have contacted agreed to send me the Plan B pill through Grab Delivery service. 

After an hour of waiting, the delivery guy arrived and I immediately took the pill. FYI, the pill must be taken within 5 hours after unprotected sex or within a span of 3 to 5 days. Remember that a woman doesn't get pregnant immediately. It will take about 6 days for the sperm to linger inside the uterus until it gets fertilized successfully. Taking the Plan B pill will delay ovulation or stop the ovaries from releasing an egg and block the sperm from meeting the egg.

Since I'm very paranoid, ummm...we are both very paranoid, I also took Althea birth control pills after 5 days from using the Plan B pill. The pill delayed my menstruation for a week but thank God, It was a success. I'm not pregnant and I'm happy the pill works. I've read a bunch of negative reviews about the Plan B pill that they still got pregnant although they took it on time. Thank God it worked for me. I'm so grateful it did. I prayed so hard it will work on me. 

Thus, I totally recommend using the Plan B pill during emergency times like this.

one step emergency pill plan b avoid pregnancy
This single pill is worth P2000.00 and up. I know its very expensive but it's more expensive to raise a baby. 😥😭

You may buy One Step Plan B at 09228872637 or 09562252526

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