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Remedies For Constipation - Pinoy Version

Hello dear readers, these past days, I've been in an excruciating pain on my stomach area. At first, I really have no idea what happened to me. My roommate tried to persuade me to go to the doctor because I just can't sleep for about two days already. I even confided my boyfriend about my current condition and he too has no idea what's going on with me. I've become extremely worried because I thought I had appendicitis or gallstones. Well, what I did is, I try to remember all the things I've eaten for the past three days and during that period, I noticed that I haven't expelled any of the food I've eaten for the past 3 days. So, I tried to consult Google of course! I search for keywords involving "stomach pain that lasted for 3 days" and various results came out. I tried self-diagnosing because I don't want to consult the doctor yet 'coz I have no budget for that right now and I'm pretty sure, this is not appendicitis or gallstones or food poisoning whatsoever because I'm health conscious somehow. Then, I've read somewhere on Google that one of the reasons why your tummy hurts is due to Constipation and the symptoms I'm feeling at that moment are really close to what is mentioned.  
remedies for constipation tummy stomach belly pains ache Philippines
In my case, I really can't sleep at night because my belly really hurts and I can feel a pulse inside my stomach if I'll try to push and apply pressure using my hand. I also noticed that I can't fart and my stomach is bloated AF. I sat down on the CR for quite so long but nothing happened. I've tried drinking Dulcolax because that is all I can remember from that famous tv ad where a guy came out of the CR and said "SUCCESS!". Well, Dulcolax tv ad did not give me justice. Nothing happened. 

I also tried Disflatyl, an anti-flatulence tablet to help you expel the gas inside your stomach. It somehow helped my condition but still, my quest to the CR is unsuccessful. 

I tried inserting a glycerin suppository on my anus too and somehow, I defecated a little but I can still feel that I didn't expel all the contents from my stomach.

I'm beginning to get extremely worried but my roommate said that I should eat a lot of ripe papayas to soften my stool and eventually successfully expel it later. Well, the papaya only expels the gas from my stomach but still, I can't defecate. 

So, I remember from my previous readings on a book about herbal medicine that drinking Ginger brew (Salabat) can help digestive problems and it's also anti-flatulence. So, I drank a hot ginger brew and miraculously my stomach ache ceased in just a few minutes passed. However, I still don't feel the need to go to the CR.

Finally, what really helped me defecate is BIOFIT Tea. I can feel that everything Inside my large intestine was all flushed out. 

I bought one sachet of it from Mercury Drugstore for just 7 pesos and I only drank half of the mug and voila! This 7 pesos tea saved me! I've tried drinking this before but that was when I was trying to lose some weight. I remember that this tea's laxative properties never let me down before and until now it never did. I just find it really yucky to drink this tea because of its smell but Besh, you'll have to drink it for your own good. Kayanin Besh!

That's it. For the recap, if over the counter drugs won't affect you, try natural or herbal remedies first. Maybe, that's where you can get your relief from Constipation.

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